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Social History of Alcohol & Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD), Chicago, 2004, Vol. 19 Social History of Alcohol & Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD), Chicago, 2004, Vol. 19

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Год основания, время изданияYear of foundation, publication timeРедактор(ы)Editor(s)Издатель, спонсор(ы)Publisher, Sponsor(s)РедколлегияEditorial boardРецензентыReviewer(s)
Периодичность изданияPeriodicity of publicationРейтингRatingРасходы, гонорарыExpenses, royaltiesТиражPrint runБукинистикаBooksellering
Жанр, тема, систематикаGenre, subject, taxonomy

The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD)

Volume 19 (2004)

Contents (Available for Download as PDFs)

Front Matter (PDF)

What's New - 9 (PDF)

Reflection Essay
Thirty-Three Years of Temperance, 1971-2004
Ian Tyrrell - 12 (PDF)

Print Culture in the AA Fellowship
Trysh Travis - 28 (PDF)

Haven in a Heartless Sea: The Sailors' Tavern in History and Anthropology
Michael Seltzer - 63 (PDF)

What the Taste Test Showed: Alcohol and Politics in French Vietnam
Erica Peters - 94 (PDF)

Book Reviews
John Frick, Theatre, Culture, and Temperance Reform in Nineteenth-Century America (2003)
Elaine Frantz Parsons - 111 (PDF)


John Greenaway, Drink and British Politics: A Study in Policy Making (2003)
Jonathan Reinarz - 115 (PDF)


James D. Ivy, No Saloon in the Valley: The Southern Strategy of Texas Prohibitionists in the 1880s (2003)
Joshua Paddison - 118 (PDF)


James H. Mills, Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade, and Prohibition, 1800-1928 (2003)
Jonathan Reinarz - 122 (PDF)


Elaine Frantz Parsons, Manhood Lost: Fallen Drunkards and Redeeming Women in the Nineteenth-Century United States (2003)
Caryn E. Neumann - 126 (PDF)


Anne-Marie E. Szymanski, Pathways to Prohibition: Radicals, Moderates, and Social Movement Outcomes (2003)
Jack S. Blocker, Jr. - 130 (PDF)


Patrick Dillon, The Much-Lamented Death of Madam Geneva (2003), and Jessica Warner, Craze: Gin and Debauchery in an Age of Reason (2002)
James R. McIntosh - 135 (PDF)


Craig Heron, Booze: A Distilled History (2003)
Dan Malleck - 139 (PDF)


Editorial Board for Volume 19


David M. Fahey, Miami University


Executive Editor
Jon Miller, University of Akron


W. Scott Haine, University of Maryland
Dan Malleck, Brock University
James Mills, Strathclyde University

The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD)

Volume 19 (2004)

Contents (Available for Download as PDFs)

Front Matter (PDF)

What's New - 9 (PDF)

Reflection Essay
Thirty-Three Years of Temperance, 1971-2004
Ian Tyrrell - 12 (PDF)

Print Culture in the AA Fellowship
Trysh Travis - 28 (PDF)

Haven in a Heartless Sea: The Sailors' Tavern in History and Anthropology
Michael Seltzer - 63 (PDF)

What the Taste Test Showed: Alcohol and Politics in French Vietnam
Erica Peters - 94 (PDF)

Book Reviews
John Frick, Theatre, Culture, and Temperance Reform in Nineteenth-Century America (2003)
Elaine Frantz Parsons - 111 (PDF)


John Greenaway, Drink and British Politics: A Study in Policy Making (2003)
Jonathan Reinarz - 115 (PDF)


James D. Ivy, No Saloon in the Valley: The Southern Strategy of Texas Prohibitionists in the 1880s (2003)
Joshua Paddison - 118 (PDF)


James H. Mills, Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade, and Prohibition, 1800-1928 (2003)
Jonathan Reinarz - 122 (PDF)


Elaine Frantz Parsons, Manhood Lost: Fallen Drunkards and Redeeming Women in the Nineteenth-Century United States (2003)
Caryn E. Neumann - 126 (PDF)


Anne-Marie E. Szymanski, Pathways to Prohibition: Radicals, Moderates, and Social Movement Outcomes (2003)
Jack S. Blocker, Jr. - 130 (PDF)


Patrick Dillon, The Much-Lamented Death of Madam Geneva (2003), and Jessica Warner, Craze: Gin and Debauchery in an Age of Reason (2002)
James R. McIntosh - 135 (PDF)


Craig Heron, Booze: A Distilled History (2003)
Dan Malleck - 139 (PDF)


Editorial Board for Volume 19


David M. Fahey, Miami University


Executive Editor
Jon Miller, University of Akron


W. Scott Haine, University of Maryland
Dan Malleck, Brock University
James Mills, Strathclyde University

Архив фото, видео, аудиоArchives photo, video, audio
Издательство, место изданияPublishing house, place of publicationИсторияHistory
ПолиграфияPolygraphyГеография чтенияGeography of reading
Предшественники, аналогиPredecessors, analoguesСоциология чтенияSociology of reading
Конфликты, скандалыConflicts, scandalsФетишизацияFetishization
Освещение в медиаMedia Coverage
Лица, причастные к изданиюPersons involved in the publicationПереиздания, репринтыRepublications, reprints
Плагиат, криминалPlagiarism, criminalБиблиография рецензийBibliography of reviews
Прекращение изданияTermination of the publicationСеть, полный текст выпусковWEB, the full text of the issues