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Social History of Alcohol & Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal / The University of Chicago Press Journals Social History of Alcohol & Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal / The University of Chicago Press Journals

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Редактор(ы)Editor(s)Издатель, спонсор(ы)Publisher, Sponsor(s)РецензентыReviewer(s)
Периодичность изданияPeriodicity of publicationРейтингRatingРасходы, гонорарыExpenses, royaltiesТиражPrint runБукинистикаBooksellering
Жанр, тема, систематикаGenre, subject, taxonomy
Frequency: 2 issues/year | ISSN: 1930-8418 | E-ISSN: 2640-7329
 Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publishing high-quality original academic research, reflection essays, and reviews in the field of alcohol and drug history, broadly construed. SHAD publishes under the auspices of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society twice annually. On special occasions SHAD may publish an entire volume at one time.
Frequency: 2 issues/year | ISSN: 1930-8418 | E-ISSN: 2640-7329
 Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publishing high-quality original academic research, reflection essays, and reviews in the field of alcohol and drug history, broadly construed. SHAD publishes under the auspices of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society twice annually. On special occasions SHAD may publish an entire volume at one time.
Архив фото, видео, аудиоArchives photo, video, audio
Издательство, место изданияPublishing house, place of publicationИсторияHistory
ПолиграфияPolygraphyГеография чтенияGeography of reading
Предшественники, аналогиPredecessors, analoguesСоциология чтенияSociology of reading
Конфликты, скандалыConflicts, scandalsФетишизацияFetishization
Освещение в медиаMedia Coverage
Лица, причастные к изданиюPersons involved in the publicationПереиздания, репринтыRepublications, reprints
Плагиат, криминалPlagiarism, criminalБиблиография рецензийBibliography of reviews
Прекращение изданияTermination of the publicationСеть, полный текст выпусковWEB, the full text of the issues