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ПИРСОН Тереза Ли ♀ 19??- США, Миннесота, диабетолог PEARSON Teresa Lee ♀ 19??- USA, Minnesota, diabetologist

Пол, ориентация, секс-связиGender, orientation, sexual liaisonsРейтинги, титулы, званияRatings, titles, gradesДоходы, имущество, капитализацияIncomes, property, capitalizationНаграды, премии, должностиAwards, prizes, positionsНаследство, споры о нёмBequest, disputes about it
Гражданство, подданствоNationality, allegiance
  • PH Health Strategies
    Director of Clinical Services · С 2010 г. по 2016 г. · Миннеаполис

  • Halleland Habicht Consulting, LLC
    Principal Clinical Consultant · С 2010 г. по 2015 г. · Миннеаполис

  • Fairview Health Services
    Director, Diabetes Care · С 2003 г. по 2010 г. · Миннеаполис

  • HealthPartners
    Diabetes Advisor and Director, Partners for Better Health · С 1994 г. по 2003 г. · Миннеаполис

  • International Diabetes Center
    Director, Professional Education snd Diabetes Nurse Specialist · С 1988 г. по 1995 г. · Миннеаполис

  • PH Health Strategies
    Director of Clinical Services · С 2010 г. по 2016 г. · Миннеаполис

  • Halleland Habicht Consulting, LLC
    Principal Clinical Consultant · С 2010 г. по 2015 г. · Миннеаполис

  • Fairview Health Services
    Director, Diabetes Care · С 2003 г. по 2010 г. · Миннеаполис

  • HealthPartners
    Diabetes Advisor and Director, Partners for Better Health · С 1994 г. по 2003 г. · Миннеаполис

  • International Diabetes Center
    Director, Professional Education snd Diabetes Nurse Specialist · С 1988 г. по 1995 г. · Миннеаполис

Архивы: фото, видео, аудиоArchives: photo,video, audio
Профессия, специализацияProfession, specialization
ПартнерыParty membershipБиографияBiography
Этнос, язык, конфессияEthnos, language, confessionСоматикаSomatic
Партийность, электоральные предпочтенияParty membership, electoral preferencesПсихика, соционикаPsyche, socionics
УчебаBuildingОбращения, иски его и к немуAppeals his, suits against him
Карьера, новостиCareer, news
2017-06-07 :
Teresa L. Pearson, MS, RN, CDE Director Diabetes Care for Fairview Health Services, Edina, Minnesota
Teresa Pearson is Director, Diabetes Care for Fairview Health Services, a large integrated health system with 8 hospitals and 34 primary care clinics and 7 ADA Recognized programs. Ms Pearson’s diabetes experience spans 20 years and includes 5 years at the International Diabetes Center as the Director of Professional Education and 7 years at HealthPartners where she was the Director of Diabetes Initiatives and received two awards for her work in clinical quality improvement in diabetes care using the chronic care model. At Fairview she has been instrumental in setting up and maintaining seven ADA Recognized programs and redesigning the model of care delivery to be more patient centered while also leading the state in diabetes outcomes. In 2005 these programs were awarded the Best Practice Award from the American Medical Group Association. Her latest venture is Innovative Health Care Designs, a consulting firm which takes on special projects including training, help with becoming ADA Recognized and implementing patient-centered programs to name a few. She - Editor of SAGE-journal "AADE in Practice"/
Ms. Pearson has served on numerous editorial boards and advisory boards and committees including serving as Vice President for the American Association of Diabetes Educators; president of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Diabetes Educators; sitting on various committees of the American Diabetes Association including “Diabetes and Primary Care”; serving on the advisory board and as a speaker for the Therapeutic Patient Education Congress of Europe; and as a longstanding member of the Minnesota Diabetes Control and Prevention Program Steering Committee. Ms. Pearson is a frequent guest speaker nationally and internationally having delivered well over 500 presentations to health care professional audiences including AADE, ADA, IDF, Japan Diabetes Society and EASD among others. The subject matter of these presentations as well as her numerous publications encompass clinical diabetes care, facilitating behavior change, implementing the chronic care model, screening and the prevention of diabetes and team management of diabetes.
2017-06-07 :
Teresa L. Pearson, MS, RN, CDE Director Diabetes Care for Fairview Health Services, Edina, Minnesota
Teresa Pearson is Director, Diabetes Care for Fairview Health Services, a large integrated health system with 8 hospitals and 34 primary care clinics and 7 ADA Recognized programs. Ms Pearson’s diabetes experience spans 20 years and includes 5 years at the International Diabetes Center as the Director of Professional Education and 7 years at HealthPartners where she was the Director of Diabetes Initiatives and received two awards for her work in clinical quality improvement in diabetes care using the chronic care model. At Fairview she has been instrumental in setting up and maintaining seven ADA Recognized programs and redesigning the model of care delivery to be more patient centered while also leading the state in diabetes outcomes. In 2005 these programs were awarded the Best Practice Award from the American Medical Group Association. Her latest venture is Innovative Health Care Designs, a consulting firm which takes on special projects including training, help with becoming ADA Recognized and implementing patient-centered programs to name a few. She - Editor of SAGE-journal "AADE in Practice"/
Ms. Pearson has served on numerous editorial boards and advisory boards and committees including serving as Vice President for the American Association of Diabetes Educators; president of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Diabetes Educators; sitting on various committees of the American Diabetes Association including “Diabetes and Primary Care”; serving on the advisory board and as a speaker for the Therapeutic Patient Education Congress of Europe; and as a longstanding member of the Minnesota Diabetes Control and Prevention Program Steering Committee. Ms. Pearson is a frequent guest speaker nationally and internationally having delivered well over 500 presentations to health care professional audiences including AADE, ADA, IDF, Japan Diabetes Society and EASD among others. The subject matter of these presentations as well as her numerous publications encompass clinical diabetes care, facilitating behavior change, implementing the chronic care model, screening and the prevention of diabetes and team management of diabetes.
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Неволя - тюрьма, плен...)Captivity - prison, bondage...)БиблиографияBibliography
Умер, неизлечимость, недееспособнсотьDie, incurable, invalidityСетьWeb