Визитки, начинающиеся на: JO
Journal of Asian and African Studies, USA, California, Newbury Park, SAGE Publications, 1966- journal peer reviewed academic; Editor: Nigel C. GIBSON (Emerson College, USA and UHURU, Rhodes University, South Africa)Journal of Asian and African Studies, USA, California, Newbury Park, SAGE Publications, 1966- journal peer reviewed academic, Editor: Nigel C. GIBSON (Emerson College, USA and UHURU, Rhodes University, South Africa)
Journal of Asian and African Studies, USA, California, Newbury Park, SAGE Publications, 2020, Volume 55, No 2, pp. 163-314 Special Section: Explaining the Oscillation of Cross-strait: A Domestic Approach Journal of Asian and African Studies, USA, California, Newbury Park, SAGE Publications, 2020, Volume 55, No 2, pp. 163-314 Special Section: Explaining the Oscillation of Cross-strait: A Domestic Approach
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 1982- USA, California, Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publishing; journal academic peer-reviewed, quarterlyJournal of Language and Social Psychology 1982- USA, California, Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publishing; journal academic peer-reviewed, quarterly
Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2020, Volume 39, Issue 3 June, p. 287-424: Special Issue: Communicating AdviceJournal of Language and Social Psychology, 2020, Volume 39, Issue 3 June, p. 287-424: Special Issue: Communicating Advice
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association journal peer-reviewed 1953- USA, SAGE Publications, California, Thousand Oaks
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2020, Volume 68, Number 5 October, pp. 768-1013
ДЖОНС Джон Уинстон ♂ 1791-1848 США конгрессмен 1834- спикер Палаты представителейJONES John Winston ♂ 1791-1848 USA congressman 1834-, speaker
ДЖОНСОН Леди Бёрд ♀ 1912-2007 США первая леди 1963-1969 как супруга 36-го президента США Линдона Б. ДжонсонаJOHNSON Lady Bird ♀ 1912-2007 First Lady of the United States (1963–1969) as the wife of the 36th President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson
ЙОХАНССОН Скарлетт ♀ 1984- США, актриса, певица, модельJOHANSSON Scarlett ♀ 1984- USA, actress, singer, model